Imagine your ideal customer: they’re a person looking to solve a problem and your business has the solution. If they’re like most people, your potential customer will open Google to find what they need. Now imagine that your product or service is one of the top results of their search. What would that do for your business?

When you have a digital marketing strategy with solid SEO keywords, you don’t have to imagine! Selecting effective keywords is a powerful way to be discovered by your ideal customer and provide them the solutions they’re looking for. 

At LeadPoint Digital, we’re experts at search engine optimization, or SEO, and pride ourselves on our practical strategies that get results for our clients. Keep reading for our top tips and to learn how we used them to rocket a US cycling sock manufacturer to the top of the search results.

1. Understand Your Audience

Getting to know your ideal customer is the first critical step in finding effective keywords. It’s important to define your ideal customer by answering some key questions. Who is looking for your product or service? How old are they? Where do they live and work? How are they searching for products? When you answer these questions as the start, you might find that the keywords you currently rank for and the keywords your audience is using are two different things. That’s good to know!

In the case of our sock manufacturer, we focused on passionate cyclists who cared about quality and performance. Understanding their needs helped us with the next step.

2. Generate a List of Potential SEO Keywords

Google processes 5.9 million searches per minute and a good SEO strategy is designed to help you make your mark. Once you have a good idea of your audience needs and behaviors, it’s time to generate a list of potential keywords that people are searching for. Try to get inside the mind of your ideal customer. How much knowledge do they have about your industry? Do they use keywords related to your product or related to their problem? For example, if you run a cycling sock business do people search “best cycling sock,” or “most comfortable sock for cycling?”

You can complete this step by running a Google search and checking out the “People also ask…” feature, bouncing ideas off a colleague, or utilizing your favorite keyword research tool like Google Keyword Planner and SEMrush Keyword magic tool.

3. Complete a Competitor Analysis

No search engine optimization strategy would be complete without a competitor analysis. Knowledge is power and knowing what keywords your competitors are using defends you from falling through gaps in the market. A traditional competitor analysis identifies what keywords your competitors are using and how effective they are. 

Your favorite keyword research tool should have features that help you find and aggregate this information. You can then take that information and do a SWOT analysis for your company. What are the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that you’ve found? 

4. Conduct Keyword Research

You’ve generated a list of possible keywords and filled in the gaps with competitor analysis. It’s time to use your keyword research tool and take a deep dive into metrics so you can move forward with confidence. There are several components to keyword research and analysis you’ll want to keep in mind:

A. Search volume: this number tells you how frequently a keyword is searched. A high number means a high number of searches while a low number means the word isn’t searched often.

B. Keyword competition: this tells you how much competition there is for a keyword. Or, put differently, how difficult it is to rank high with a specific keyword. 

You’ve probably noticed that keywords with high search volume tend to have high competition too. High search volume may be appealing, but remember that your competitors are also using this word. Using a lower search volume word means less competition and a high chance you’ll have a top ranking in search results. An effective strategy balances volume with competition. 

5. Consider Keyword Intent

Intent brings us back around to empathizing with your ideal customer. In digital marketing, it’s important to analyze the customer’s intent so you’re on the same page. Common categories of intent include:

A. Know: a person wants to know something

B. Go: a person wants to go somewhere 

C. Do: a person wants to do something, like use a web tool or purchase an item.

D. Entertain: a person wants to watch, play, or listen.

Intent lets you know where your customer is in the buying cycle. Are they in the awareness stage, the consideration stage, or the decision stage? When you have this information, you can speak more precisely to your potential customer. 

One of the simplest ways to check intent is to use the search engine results page (or SERP) for your keyword. For example, say you’re checking “custom cycling socks,” and it brings up primarily sock companies. Your customer has a do intent and is in the purchasing stage of the buying cycle. But if it brings up “benefits of custom cycling socks” then your customer has know intent and is in the consideration stage of the buying cycle. 

6. Short-Tail vs. Long-Tail SEO Keywords

Short-tail keywords are short, 1-2 search terms like “bike socks” or “custom socks.” Where long-tail keywords are entire phrases like, “what are the best bike socks.” Contrary to popular SEO advice, we recommend focusing on short-tail keywords. Selecting about 20 short-tail keywords can speed you to the top three spots in the search rankings. 

When you focus on short-powerful keywords that are aligned with your ideal customer’s needs, you’ll likely find that your business starts ranking for additional, non-branded keywords too. That’s what happened in the case of our sock manufacturer. When we focused on a select group of 20 powerful keywords, not only did they rank in the top 3 for those keywords, they also began to rank in the top 3 for 202? other keywords that weren’t part of the targeted strategy. The success of targeting created a positive ripple effect!

7. Weave Your SEO Keywords into Content Seamlessly

Once you have selected and vetted your keywords, it’s time to put them to use! The question is how. Savvy buyers can spot awkward keyword stuffing a mile away and it damages your rapport and trustworthiness. If your SEO strategy sacrifices user experience, then it’s not a realistic strategy. 

Instead, opt for natural language in all your content that utilizes your keywords the same way a human would. Weave them into your content in a way that aligns with your brand voice. Focusing on 1-2 high-impact keywords per page will not only keep your content user-friendly, it will also drive results. Remember, selecting the RIGHT short-tail keywords can boost your rankings for non-targeting keywords as well.

8. Monitor and Adjust Your SEO Keywords Regularly

Keywords are not a set-it-and-forget-it part of your marketing strategy. Digital marketing and SEO is a dynamic and constantly evolving landscape that requires frequent assessment. The best keyword strategists set aside time at regular intervals to review their keyword performance and make necessary adjustments based on their findings. 

This is where your keyword research tool comes in handy. You can review your analytics and make data-informed decisions about which keywords to emphasize, retire, or add to your strategy.

Work with LeadPoint and Get SEO Keywords that Convert

Developing a robust keyword strategy takes time, patience, and experience. If you run a business, you know that those are premium resources! That’s why we recommend working with digital marketing experts that can keep your SEO at the top of its game, freeing you up to run your business. 

LeadPoint Digital specializes in search engine optimization and advertising, content marketing, and website design. We leverage our deep understanding of online behavior to create effective strategies that drive results for our clients. In fact, LeadPoint helped the sock manufacturer achieve a 175% increase in rankings for targeted keywords in just six months! If you’d like an SEO strategy that converts, let’s talk! Contact us to learn more about how we can help. 

Posted in SEO

A website is a staple of modern business. In some sectors, an app is almost equally as important. 

Customers and clients expect websites, apps and other technology connected to your business to be easy to understand, quick to use and error free. If it’s glitchy or comes with too many instructions, they’ll leave frustrated with the process — and, worse, with your business.

This is the world of UX.

What is UX? 

UX stands for user experience, or what it’s like for a person to use your website, app or other technology.

UX design is the process used to think through how a customer can easily navigate your product as well as the design of all the visual and interactive elements. The goal is to make the user experience as easy, intuitive, and seamless as possible. 

Why Does UX Matter?

Simply put, a good user experience for business leads to happy customers who will return again and again and recommend you to others. 

Good UX solves problems in the design state, before customers encounter them. UX designers consider questions such as:

  • Do customers want or need the product?
  • Is the product easy to use? 
  • Can the product be used easily by different types of customers? 
  • Is it accessible to people with disabilities? 
  • Does the customer leave the product feeling happy or satisfied?

These questions matter because good UX also can set your business apart from others, create strong engagement and even foster an emotional connection between a business and its customers — all things that affect your reputation and your profits.

We’re Here to Help

Don’t be intimidated by UX design. LeadPoint Digital, Roanoke’s digital marketing company, has a team of certified design experts ready to help you create unforgettable user experiences for your customers. Drop us a line for a free consultation! 

Posted in SEO

In today’s digital world, being seen online is like having a neon sign for your local business. It’s not just about having a website; it’s about showing up where your potential customers are searching. Local SEO is your secret weapon to unlock the doors of online success. Let’s dive into why local SEO matters, how it works, and how you can harness its magic for your business.

Why Your Business Needs Local SEO

Picture this: someone in your neighborhood craving a slice of pizza, and they pull out their phone to search for the best pizza nearby. That’s where local SEO steps in. It’s like a treasure map for Google to find your business and show it to folks in your area.

Local SEO example best pizza nearby

When you optimize your online presence with local SEO, your business climbs the ladder of local rankings. This means when someone in your neighborhood searches for a product or service you offer, your business pops up on their screen. It’s like a virtual welcome mat that invites local customers right to your door.

Cracking the Code: How Local SEO Works

Local SEO is like giving your business a superpower in Google’s eyes. It involves a bunch of clever marketing strategies to boost your business listing in Google searches. But how does it work its magic?

Keyword Research

Imagine that potential customers are detectives searching for clues. Keywords are the clues that lead them to your doorstep. When people type in local keywords like “best burgers in town,” local SEO makes sure your burger joint shines in the spotlight. Use tools like SEMrush’s keyword magic tool or Google’s keyword planner, primarily used for Google Ads, to see search volume for a variety of keywords.

Google Ads Keyword Planner Tool

Google My Business

Think of Google My Business as your online business card or even it’s own microsite for your business. It’s where you show off your address, phone number, and even post updates. This nifty tool puts you on the Google Maps, making it easy-peasy for people to find you.

Local Keywords

Sprinkling local keywords throughout your website tells Google that your business is a perfect fit for people in your local area. So, if you’re a bakery in Smalltown, USA, and someone looks up “fresh pastries in Smalltown,” guess who’s getting a sweet spot in the search results?

Link Building

It’s like making friends online. When other websites link to your business website, Google sees it as a vote of confidence. The more “votes” you get, the higher you climb in search results.

Unveiling the Benefits

Local SEO isn’t just about impressing Google; it’s about winning the hearts of potential customers. Here’s how it boosts your business:

  1. Attracting Local Customers: Remember that pizza craving? Local SEO helps you be the pizzeria that shows up first, drawing hungry folks straight to your door.
  2. Mobile Search Magic: Everyone’s glued to their phones. Local SEO makes sure you’re right there when they search for “coffee shops near me” on their mobile devices.
  3. Local Pack Power: Ever noticed those neat little boxes with a map and a few businesses when you search? That’s the local pack, and local SEO helps you snag a spot in it, giving you prime real estate in search results.
Local Pack SEO coffee shop near me example

Mastering the Local SEO Game

Ready to dive into the local SEO adventure? Here are five essential steps to conquer the local search scene:

  1. Polish Your Google My Business: First, claim your Google map listing! After that, fill in all the juicy details – your address, phone number, and even photos of your delicious offerings. The more complete your profile, the more Google will trust you.
  2. Gain Trust through Reviews: Just like you shared your business details, now gather customer reviews. Ask happy customers to write about their experience on platforms like Google My Business. These words show you’re trustworthy and encourage others to give you a try.
  3. Build a Virtual Bridge to Your Website: After setting up your Google My Business, guide people to learn more about you and your offerings. These links to your website are like a bridge that takes them from reading about you to exploring your website, where you can prove your value to them.
  4. Sprinkle Local Keywords: Remember those keywords? Use them in your website content, but make sure it sounds natural. Google loves when you talk like a real person.
  5. Make Friends Online: Link building is like virtual networking. Connect with local bloggers, join local directories, and share your business with the online community.
Claim your Google Map Listing

The Everlasting Relevance of Local SEO

You might wonder, does local SEO still matter? Absolutely! In a world where Google searches rule, local SEO is your ticket to the spotlight. Google keeps fine-tuning its algorithms to show users the best local results, making a local SEO strategy a priority more important than ever.

From Clicks to Cash: The Local SEO Payoff

Local SEO isn’t just about clicks; it’s about turning those clicks into cash. When you appear in search results, more people step into your shop, dial your number, or explore your website. That means more sales, more happy customers, and more business growth.

In a Nutshell

Local SEO is your business’s digital superhero. It boosts your visibility, attracts local customers, and helps you stand out in the vast online world. By mastering the art of local SEO – from keywords to Google My Business and link building – you’re giving your business a fighting chance in the competitive world of local business. So, embrace the power of local SEO and watch your business bloom in the local spotlight.

If you need help optimizing your business’s Google My Business profile, schedule a free consultation with our team at LeadPoint Digital today!

Ready to Get Started? Let’s Talk.

Optimize Your Google Map Listing

Looking to get your Google My Business profile optimized? Fill out the form below for a free consultation with one of our digital marketing experts.

Posted in SEO

YouTube’s Pros and Cons

We sat down with Marko Zlatic, founder of Whiteboard Finance, social media influencer and friend of LeadPoint Digital to discuss his ranking success on YouTube and how much time you should invest in YouTube versus your own website.

“When you’re creating content for YouTube and generating ad dollars, you’re playing on rented property.” Marko continues to explain that “…if you’re relying on income from being a YouTube influencer, the amount you earn can change at any time. In personal finance, the best investment is property you own and that goes for the web as well.”

However, YouTube is a great place to get started because it’s a Google-owned property and the 2nd largest search engine. Although ranking YouTube videos is still a long game, it tends to rank faster than a new blog or website would rank because of YouTube’s domain value and engagement.

Here are a few things you can do to start earning more views on YouTube:

Topic Selection

Like search engine optimization, success on YouTube begins with in-depth topic research. Strive to find a topic that has a bubble with high-search volume and subpar content ranking towards the top of YouTube and Google. You’ll need to be confident in the fact that you can create better content than what’s already ranking.


There is a balance and art to writing effective video titles that get found by YouTube, and also interest a viewer enough to watch your video. Your title should be highly relevant to the topic research you performed that ultimately influenced you to settle on it.

You also want to give the viewer a concise insight into what they can expect if they decide to watch. For example, if you create a video on “How to tie a tie?”, an ideal title would be “How to tie a tie? (8 Easy Steps)”.


We bet a part of you clicked on this article because of the customized hero photo for this article. Here’s the point, YouTube wants more viewers to sell more advertising, a great way of getting more views is to stand out from the competition in the search results by making a customized thumbnail that is enticing and topical enough for the viewer to watch the video.


Topic, titles, and thumbnails are all aimed at driving engagement. This is the big factor that ranks your video on YouTube and keeps you at the top. An ideal click rate for a YouTube video is 6-10%, which means every time your video appears in the search results, for every 100 people, 6-10 of them need to click and watch your video.

The same goes for view rates, the longer a viewer watches your video, the better. In addition, you want to earn social approval from your visitors to encourage them to interact by sharing, liking, subscribing, or commenting on your video/channel.


YouTube has a real-time analytical dashboard so you can see how many people are watching your videos at different times of the day. Marko has identified that YouTube viewers have similar habits as primetime television (between 4 PM and 10 PM). He recommends creating and publishing videos regularly and posting them around the same time of day.

Video + Audio Quality

Invest in your equipment! The clearer you sound and the higher your video resolution, the better. This is important for multiple reasons outside of looking professional. With advanced technology, YouTube may actually be able to understand what you’re saying in the video which helps them index your video.

In addition, home streaming is becoming more popular with cord-cutters, so more viewers are turning to their HD televisions to browse YouTube and consumer content.

Descriptions, Captions, and Tagging

When it comes to writing descriptions, captions, and tagging your videos – relevancy is the most important takeaway. Don’t dilute the content in your video by listing a bunch of keywords or topics that are related to your video, but not the main topic. All you’re doing is confusing YouTube and the viewer. For captioning, better audio equipment will save you a ton of time because YouTube’s advanced closed captioning is highly accurate.

Here’s the Point

If you follow these best practices you are well on your way to increasing views on YouTube, but Marko emphasized that it’s all about your personality and believability “…you have to practice what you preach. Without that, your content can’t fill the gap that you found. Viewers want someone they can trust and relate to. Just be yourself but be self-aware.”

If you want to learn more about creating a successful YouTube Channel, add yourself to the waiting list for Marko’s YouTube Influencer Course, where Marko will go into detail on how to become a successful YouTuber. You can also follow Marko on his blog, Twitter, and Instagram.

You can see more tips about growing your YouTube channel with this video from Brian Dean on How to Start (And Grow) a YouTube Channel.

If you’re an influencer that’s looking to get off “rented property” and transition your audience to a digital asset you own and control, call us at 540.566.4886 or email us at

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Posted in SEO

What is Luck?

Luck happens by chance. I used to buy into this idea because it seemed like everyone else had more luck than me – until my luck began to change for the better, both personally and professionally.

I remember specifically sitting in one of our monthly business development meetings and sharing a client success story that I couldn’t really speak to because I felt it all happened by chance. I’ll never forget the next thing that was said: “Luck is a result of preparation and persistence”.

It didn’t resonate with me until I began to think about it deeply over the next few weeks. It became an obsession where I rehashed every instance leading up to many of my “lucky” scenarios – trying to identify where persistence and preparation assisted in my “luck”.

To my shock, I was able to tie behaviors that I was consciously trying to improve upon, to behaviors that ultimately became part of my subconscious mind – creating what most of us would call “luck”.

Here’s the Point …

Ranking in the top positions of the search engine ranking pages (SERPs) doesn’t happen by chance. It is the preparation and persistence offline and online that gets you to the top of the SERPs.

You may not get the results you desire as fast as you like, but with a plan and persistence, your key performance indicators will increase exponentially over the years.

Can you identify a situation where preparation and persistence yielded positive results for you?

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Posted in SEO